This blog update is coming a little late, but last Sunday, I got a chance to lead on one of my favorite topics ever. I've been helping to co-lead a college/young adult class and while the material has been really good, there are some lessons that you love just a little bit more. Mainly because it connects with you so much. This was definitely one of those times.
I had an opportunity to ask the question, "If you could do anything with your life, assuming time and money were no object, what would you do?" It's always fun to read the responses to this question because you get serious answers and some not so serious answers. Here's a sampling of what people wrote down on post-it-notes ...
- Create a cure for cancer
- Eat every kind of meat on earth (except humans)
- Work with youth in ministry
- Go to a culinary school & work at a restaurant or open up a patisserie/shop
- Inspire young & old to do hard things to restore & repair the world
- Become a concert pianist
- Go to outer space
- Work for Dunder Mifflin
- Discover & eat the world's best chocolate chip cookie
- Eat at every expensive restaurant in the world!
- Travel around the world & serve God along the way
Don't you love it when people share their dreams? There's a reason we have dreams and passions in life. I truly believe we have these desires not by accident, but for a greater purpose. And when we pursue our passions and do them for something bigger than ourselves, that's when life truly starts to get exciting.
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness
and the world’s deep hunger meet.
~ Frederick Buechner
It was really beautiful to try to inspire these students to go for their passions with a greater purpose: to glorify God. Like the quote from Frederick Buechner says ... The kind of work God usually calls you to is the kind of work (a) that you need most to do and (b) that the world most needs to have done.
I just know I want to be a champion of that. We, as the church, should be the ones who are unleashing others to pursue their God-given passions, gifts, and abilities for a higher calling. It was never meant to be for ourselves. Life is truly found when we give ourselves away. And the beauty of it is that we'll find it was God's will for us all along.
How about you? If you could do anything with your life, assuming time and money were no object, what would you do?